AI4Science @ Caltech
AI Tools for Addressing Online Misinformation and Harassment

The Caltech and University of Chicago Conference on AI+Science

Due to recent wildfires, we have decided to postpone the conference and will announce the new dates shortly.

Across science—from astrophysics to molecular biology to economics—researchers are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data they are collecting. But, this problem is better viewed as an opportunity since, with the right computing resources and algorithmic tools, scientists might unlock new insights from the swathes of data to carry their field forward.

AI4Science (or artificial intelligence for science) is an initiative at Caltech led by Anima Anandkumar and Yisong Yue that aims to bring together AI researchers with experts from other disciplines to push modern AI tools into every area of science and engineering. Launched in the summer of 2018, the initiative organizes talks, courses, and tutorials aimed at training researchers from across the scientific spectrum in the theory and practice of machine learning algorithms. During the academic year, weekly AI4Science office hours also allow researchers to ask computer scientists for help—hopefully stimulating new interdisciplinary research at Caltech. Additionally, seed grants for researchers applying AI to new applications in the sciences are allocated yearly through the Carver Mead New Adventures Program.

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